About me

My alphabetical name is URO.IIIA. The anthroponym is the proper name referred to a person and with this term is defined a specific notation specific to a particular community or administrative body suitable for identify and distinguish a person.

In this case my name is Giuseppe Rellini.

Giving or giving oneself an anthroponym is a direct act linked to an activity aimed at establishing the identity of a person. Therefore the name is a term that is myself in another code. Identification is a process in which one is totally or partially equal to another or to the other, assuming as one's own identity that of the other.
Therefore, the other me that is my alphabetical name is the placement and projection of a part of my identity in the code of writing. The art of annexing to oneself is a very ancient mnemonic practice that is certainly not relegated to the alphabetic code alone.
I would like to emphasize how projection is a mechanism of emotional communication that operates with the other outside oneself but equal to oneself. This is only possible through empathy.

Here in brief a small clarification of my acronym

UR City Game Principle

URO      Bos taurus primigenius

A        Astro-chelys radiata

A        Aquila Nipalensis

A        Atene Noctua

I would like to add that identifying oneself means carrying out a process of relation, interaction and modeling with something external to oneself whose identity is recognized. Hence projection is an act in which one introduces oneself into the other in order to relate oneself to the other self that dwells in that particular object.
In this way one can see oneself from the outside, but not as a reflected image, but as an act of destroying or curing oneself by improving or reducing to dust the object of the projection.
The alphabetical name is partially or totally attributable to this introjective and projective mechanics, whose function is to see oneself from the outside outside of one's own image, as the object becomes a relational self to which one can relate according to needs.

Unable to identify myself only by my alphabetical name and particularly sensitive to particular oscillations that I find in myself and in my surroundings, I also gave myself a Sound Identification Frequency (SIF). This operation, in addition to eluding the projection and introjection of oneself with respect to the other, has allowed me to tune my identity to what is outside of me trying to understand which and from which frequencies my identity is composed.
In this way, my SIF takes the place of a sound timbre, a calligraphic trace, an imprint that can be traced back only to that particular person.

Searching for the sound spectrum has allowed me to emerge from the background as a subject [in the sense of sub object, i.e. what is under the object] and in this case what is under the object is a set of frequencies with their relative harmonics capable of invading me and invading the surroundings, able to tune me or tune the objects to me outside of any projective speculation.

Perhaps through the SIF it is possible to maintain one's identity outside the temporal and spatial constraints and perhaps it is also possible to pass one's identification and identity to the unspecified Someone who lives in a distant temporal space, but this is another matter.

Soon I will dedicate a page dedicated to my sonorous name in which I will list my identification processes.

Contemporary Indigenous
